Thursday, August 2, 2012

iagnostika disease on the hands

Since then, as a traditional medicine has the advantages of modern diagnostic techniques - x-ray, probes, punctures, chemical analyzes and MRI - doctors have ceased to be attentive to explicit prompts that gives the nature of man.

However, every fan of the show "House" know that, even with the most modernized equipment, a team of professionals sometimes can not determine what the patient is not so. But if you look closely and listen to their well-being, our body can indicate disease. One of these indicators of dangerous diseases and disorders are seasonally our hands.

Genetic predisposition
Look at your hands. Their shape, color, length of fingers and pain in certain points of detail reflect our medical history and current status. Genetically thin, long fingers, narrow wrists - a sign of "blue" blood. The broad palms and short thick fingers - hands of the working or peasant.

Today, anyone can achieve the heights in education and career, regardless of origin, and even more so from the life of his ancestors. But you can not deceive DNA and genetic predisposition to disease, transmitted to us from praprababushek and prapradedushek.

Ordinary people spent a lot of time outdoors, eating fresh food and natural health tempered by hard work. So now the owners of large palms hardy and less susceptible to colds and infections. However, it is they are often high blood pressure and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

People with short fingers and palms are often thick medlennyyobmen substances and, consequently, obesity. They have reduced thyroid activity, and there is a risk of hypothyroidism.

Pampered young ladies, all of which were fun to read romantic books, dancing at balls and collecting fans to established tradition as the birds eat, to tighten on the waist with a corset.

They are predominantly asthenic type of shape is transmitted to descendants - and today, people with long fingers and narrow palms are often neurotic with a fine mental organization. Thin wrists often talk about hypersensitivity, emotional susceptibility, and as a consequence - of hysteria and depression.

The autonomic nervous system is also very sensitive, such people have a fast metabolism and low weight. In addition, most of them are hypotensive and meteozavisimymi, sharply reacting to changes in atmospheric pressure and sudden changes in temperature. They long to adapt to the changing time zones or a new daily routine.

People with thin bones and narrow wrists are forced to wrap up in warm clothes even in summer evenings after sunset, and hands warm gloves. Often it is simply impossible cold hands warm no clothes, and even in the heat of your fingers are cool, and turn white in the cold and numb. All these are signs of impaired peripheral circulation. To warm up, so people need more and more often move to disperse the blood.

The white icy fingers are a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and low blood pressure. Doctors recommend to abandon bad habits like smoking and drinking tincture of ginseng and Eleutherococcus.

If you have only a few numb fingers, then you can diagnose a local violation. For example, a numb little fingers say about violations of the heart, and your thumbs - a disorder of the respiratory system. In addition, the cold hands of any person - it is a signal that the body lacks vitamins and nicotinic acid. Their stock can be replenished with vitamin complexes and meat, fish and mushroom diet.

In a healthy human hands warm and dry. Sweaty palms, not only with excitement. If your hands are often wet - make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Often, this symptom indicates hyperthyroidism.

If your hands are hot, you feel a burning or heat, which means it's time to help the liver. Usually hands on after intoxication - drinking at a noisy party or the wrong drug. Drink grapefruit juice and green tea, eat salads with olive oil, apples and walnuts.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Top 5 Natural toxins in our unit

Organic foods are most useful for the daily ration for each person. However, many of them are not safe. Rather than prolong his life thanks to a fresh product, you can quickly say goodbye to her, if not to be attentive at the table.
"The problem of food has always been one of the most important problems facing human society. All except the oxygen, a person receives for his life from food and water.
Proper nutrition requires a knowledge of the organization, at least in its most general form, the chemical composition of food raw materials and finished food products, ideas on how to obtain them, the transformations that occur in their preparation and cooking of food products ", - said the expert Elena Goncharova, dietician Clinic Medical Center, 31, a member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists.

Elena Goncharova
What are they - Top 5 Natural toxins contained in natural products, and hazardous to our health, parses
Do not overdo spinach and rhubarb
With the advent of spring vegetables on the shelves of department stores there is rhubarb. A little later, rhubarb, and matures in our suburban areas, where the grandmother trying to feed grandchildren vengeance essential vitamins. However, rhubarb contains oxalic acid which is harmful to health, and in large doses is a poison.
Oxalic acid generates chemical compounds with calcium, which we eat, or who is already in our body. The result is calcium oxalate, which is not absorbed by our body, whereby the amount of calcium in our body decreases.
For children who have growing bones and teeth, especially the dangerous lack of calcium in the body. Nutritionists recommend eating rhubarb reduced to a minimum or expose it to heat treatment, destroying the oxalic acid. And the best do to replace the rhubarb sorrel, which also contains oxalic acid, but is rich in vitamin C. sorrel soup dressed with sour cream and contains egg protein, which compensates for the potential loss of calcium.
A much greater danger to the modern buyer predstavlyaetshpinat. It is available all year round and has a reputation as a very useful product. In fact, spinach also contains oxalic acid.
Of course, he is also a source of vitamins C and B-carotene (provitamin A) and chlorophyll, so you should not exclude it from the diet. However, try to cook the spinach with milk, calcium-rich, and do not make him a favorite of the daily meal.
  Comment by Elena Goncharova:
"All the nutrients beneficial to healthy body in optimal quantities and optimal ratio. But the food is always available microcomponents that are in relatively high quantities cause adverse effects.
These include, first, the so-called toxicants - natural, inherent in this type of product biologically active substances, which may under certain circumstances cause a toxic effect of consumption, in the - second, "pollutants" - toxic substances in food from the environment due to violation of cultivation technology (feeding - for the animals), the production or storage of food or other reasons. "
Carefully rob sprouting potatoes

Green tomatoes, which are stored for a long time or have deteriorated, and sprouting potatoes contain solanine most. This is a glycoside, which can cause irritation of the digestive tract. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath or blood - that is what this will lead poisoning toxin. In addition, under no circumstances eat potatoes, covered with green spots.
The highest risk of poisoning by solanine occurs in spring, when the potatoes begin to sprout last year and the content of the toxin increases. The longer stored potatoes, the more carefully it must be selected to reduce the number of toxic compounds. When all the potatoes are beginning to take shoots better to replace it with other vegetables or buying potatoes.
Expert comments on Elena Goncharova:
"The highest concentration of solanine found just under the skin of potatoes in the green with the ground. If you cut a thicker layer during the cleaning, you can avoid the ingestion of large amounts of solanine. Cooking vegetables by steaming or boiling in water reduces solanine in them by 40%.
Solanine can cause stomach disorders, and problems associated with the work of the respiratory organs. Experiments on animals awaiting offspring showed that solanine in most cases leads to miscarriages, so pregnant women should be treated as gently as possible to hit them in the body of harmful toxins. Most of the berries of potato poisoning occur in children.
Symptoms of acute poisoning by solanine shown in the following way: there is a sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors in hands, quickened heart rate, blood pressure decreases, there is shortness of breath, and in severe cases - seizures and unconsciousness.
Some of the other fruits of the nightshade family of plants, including eggplant and tomatoes, are also characterized by a known or suspected toxicity due to the presence of glycoalkaloids in this group. Some alkaloids have the ability to neurotoxic effects on the central nervous system, causing hallucinations or stupor. In general, these compounds are contained in the seeds of Datura and nutmeg. "