What to do in order not to get sick in the summer?
Ill in the summer is extremely unpleasant. The sun is shining, people are enjoying the beautiful weather, with temperature and you're sitting in four walls. Hot tea is disgusting to you, and especially not in a blanket wrapped up because of the already hot. So it makes sense to make a special effort not to get sick in the summer.
According to doctors, the risk of catching SARS, or sore throat in the hot season, even increased in comparison with winter and autumn. This is due to the fact that in the heat we did not even occur to him that you can get sick, and we completely forget about the precautions.
Cold drinks in the summer - it's very nice, but dangerous. They irritate the throat and help to cope with a thirst for far less than the cool water or tea room temperature. You may be surprised, but the mint and green tea - the best way to quench your thirst. Refusing the summer of ice cream is not worth it, because it is an amazing treat, but there it should be in small pieces. Enjoy dessert, but do not try as soon as possible to deal with it.
We should also talk about air conditioners. In the summer, they turn into a sort of scourge of our age. Air conditioners are everywhere: in offices, shops and houses. Try not to be in close proximity to this miracle of technology, and remember - not to get sick in the summer, the room temperature should not be more than 5 degrees below the street.
With the advent of many hot pulls swim, people go to the local bodies of water, keeping in mind that the water takes a long time to warm up. The water in one day is not heated, so gather to bathe, do not jump immediately into the water, first check its temperature. Come to the ankles, and if you understand that water is cold, it is better to wait a few days before opening the swimming season.
Catch a cold in the summer may also be due to the draft. Do not forget that in June the days are hot and the nights are cold, so do not leave the windows open all night. Sudden temperature changes will inevitably lead to colds.
As you see, to avoid illness in the summer is a snap. Following just a few simple rules, you get rid of the weight of health problems and be able to enjoy all the benefits of the beautiful weather.