Friday, July 27, 2012

Prevention of eye diseases

Scientists believe that 80% of the available information about the world we get thanks to vision. Losing the ability to see or losing visual acuity, people are faced with significant changes in their lives. Prevention of eye disease helps to avoid these unpleasant changes.
A. Light up the workplace
First, create the appropriate conditions for the eyes. One of them - light. The light from the lamp must be sufficiently bright, but not sharp, so oculists recommended the use of table lamps with a lampshade. Illuminate the surrounding area so that the eyes do not get too much stress during the transition from gloom to bright light.
With good eyesight is enough light from table lamps to 60 watts. Place it on the left in 50 inches of working papers.
Terms of the computer and reading are very important. The optimum is the distance between the eyes and the pages of a book about 30 cm, and to monitor the distance equal to the length of the arm.
Take care of filling out the presence of (additional) lighting when working with the computer or watching TV at night, but the light does not form a glare on the computer monitor or TV screen. Browse television programs from a distance of not less than 2 meters.
When reading lying down comfortably and place the head on the pillow freely, place the light source behind your head - covers only the book (newspaper, magazine). In the lying-to-read text view should "fall" at right angles.
Two. Let rest your eyes
While working for a computer monitor to rest your eyes on at least five minutes every hour.
Simple exercises for the eyes you have taken away a little time, but the vision will bring benefits not less than a vacation in an expensive nursing home. In between work do not forget to carry them out: blink frequently, close your eyes and try to relax for a few seconds, look out the window, move a few times with a view to the distant subject close, make a rotational movement of eyeballs, etc.
Three. Do not read in public transport
When driving the vibration causes the eye to be in constant tension, which later will necessarily affect the health of a very unpleasant way.
4. Balanced, and eat properly
Menu for the eyes should contain vitamins D and A, the lack of them in the body leads to vision loss.
Vitamin A can be obtained from the eggs, cream and cod liver oil, and vitamin D rich in egg yolk, beef liver and herring sea. Since the synthesis of the vitamin occurs in the human body by ultraviolet, do not neglect a sunny day walking in the fresh air.
4. Do not forget about the personal hygiene of the eye
Few of us can boast that they live in ecologically clean city. So make it a rule, each time coming back from the street, flush eyes with lukewarm water: they suffer from dirt, dust, exhaust fumes and no less than the skin of the face.

Here is an infection that accidentally gets on the mucous membrane, may result in conjunctivitis, which would require getting rid of a lot of money and time.
Five. Keep an eye bath for
Once every two weeks for the eyes do trays of freshly brewed tea - an excellent anti-inflammatory drugs: Pour warm tea slabozavarenny in a cup, open eye, touch the surface of the liquid so that it was "redeemed" the eyeball, blinked a few times. Repeat for second eye. By the way, this procedure is useful to do after every dusty operation, such as general cleaning or repair.
Not less effective and has a water infusion of chamomile or lime (they can buy at any pharmacy). Take, for infusion 1 teaspoon of chamomile or linden flowers, pour them a glass of boiling water, strain after 15 minutes. The infusion room temperature, use eyewash. Among other things, he shine his eyes.
Arrange your eyes swim in cool water: drooping into the water a person a few times, close and open your eyes, rotate them. This will charge your eyes swimming with energy, healthier and strengthen their mucous forever.
6. Do not wear tight clothes compressive
It violates the blood circulation and promotes a rush of blood to the head, and, consequently, increased intraocular pressure.
7. Do not eat before bedtime
Then you save the youth and beauty of the eyes - with no extra bags and wrinkles.

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