Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to reduce the symptoms of menopause

Climax - the word is afraid of any woman, no matter it is business woman or a housewife. In the minds of women the climax looks like a fading flower on a bed of life, and life after menopause - it is something vague.
Vaguely heard of many that have broken during menopause and physical condition and well-being, so there is a natural stage in the life of any woman is doubly scary. But life is good at any of its period, if you have a great feeling to know that you expect and be able to cope with the symptoms and prevent them.
The essence of the menopause
With aging, the load of mutations accumulate and problems in health, so the birth of healthy children for the female body becomes a daunting task, so this feature can be disabled in the body.
Actually, this occurs at menopause - is gradually turned off reproductive function of the female body, and there are processes involution of the uterus and ovaries. In the menopause having children is not possible, stop your period to come, and reduced levels of female sex hormones.
Due to hormonal changes is something akin to the transition from the age of mature women - manifested subjective discomfort. Usually it is referred to the sweating and flushing of the skin of the head, pressure, and heart racing, horse racing fever and disorders in the genital area. In addition, there is the aging of the skin, hair, spoil and become brittle skeleton. But age does not want to do that?
Hormones for menopause relief
In fact, to relieve the symptoms and manifestations of menopause, you need to give your body a portion of hormones - because of their deficit he suffers. However, the hormone is not so simple - because in addition to their main effects of the extension of women's youth, they have still other effects. This effect on breast and ovarian cells, and disturbances of the heart and blood vessels, and deposition of excess fat.
For many years one of the directions in the treatment of disorders of climax in the female body was the appointment of a replacement for hormones. However, according to numerous studies, the therapy has a very large number of disadvantages, the worst of which is to increase the likelihood of breast cancer (especially for those women who do not breast-fed children), stroke and myocardial infarction.
Many women, fearing complications from hormones and completeness, refuse such treatment. But aging is still not desirable.
Phytoestrogens in health guard
In nature, many female organisms, and many are similar to our female hormones substances. Even our great-grandmothers knew that certain plants and fruits have a tendency to prolong the woman's youth and beauty, are aware of this, and modern scholars. They are trying to get the extracts of these plants or create synthetic analogues of these substances in the laboratory.
These substances are referred to collectively as total phytoestrogens. Although there are several varieties, the principle of their action, essentially the same, just different action.
Small doses of the female hormone analogues, getting into a woman's body, affect the same receptors that would operate these hormones, and improve the condition of the body: a woman ceases to sweat and feel the heat of hot flashes, emotional background it becomes more stable, there is a sexual desire, and this important factor of stable family life.
A woman may see herself and the effect on the face and hair, it allows her to stay young and beautiful for your children and spouse, which increases self-esteem and vitality. In addition, the stabilized pressure and heart function, is in the order of the nervous system, which means - women can safely continue to work and daily activities.

Your doctor will select the appropriate drug to each woman, based on health status and stage of menopause. Now a large selection of funds with phytoestrogens, in addition, it is necessary to calculate the dosage. Everything is so simple? Not really, because the administration of drugs - it's not all activities in the climax.

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